Thursday, August 03, 2006


Welcome to the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament message board! You can post in response to messages. If you'd like to initiate posts, please email me at and I'll subscribe you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. Can any Catholic outside America join?

6:26 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

According to the CBS Constitution, the CBA "shall consist of Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Communicants of both sexes who are practicing Catholics and members of, or in Communion with, the Episcopal Church. This means that it doesn't matter whether you live in the US or not--you are welcome to join!

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear members of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament,

Thank you for your witness and ministry. Eleven years ago, these experiences began. Perhaps they will encourage you. God blesses us again and again.

As I was praying in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, the Washington National Cathedral (Episcopal/Anglican), in Washington, D.C., USA, on April 18, 1997, the face of the statue of Mary, who holds and offers us her baby Jesus, seemed to come alive with warmth and light.

Three months later, as I continued praying for the world and listening, these four messages came to me in the spirit. Hearing the words and writing them was simultaneous. Then, at a Holy Week church service in 1999, I was able to tell the story of these blessings. What joy it is to offer them to you here.

My deep thanks go to clergy, religious sisters and brothers of various denominations and to my friends, acquaintances and people met one time only - who have helped in discernment of these spiritual experiences. In praise and thanksgiving to God, let us keep on praying.

In the love of Jesus Christ, and respectfully yours,

A member of a church
in the Washington, D.C., USA, metro area

(with parts in Spanish, French, Italian, German)


presentada Miércoles, Semana Santa, Marzo 31, 1999 18:30
Iglesia Episcopal Saint Alban, Washington, DC, USA
Lecturas: Isaías 50: 4-9 (a) Juan 13: 21-35

A medida que Jesus vivió la última semana de su vida, me pregunto dónde estaba su madre? Sabemos que María estaba al pié de la cruz viendo su hijo morir en agonía. Me pregunto, dónde estaba durante la semana? Sabía ella de la última cena? Hubo gente que le contara lo que estaba pasando? Cómo se sentía? Pudo comprenderlo? Dónde estan nuestras madres cuando nos cometemos a algo en que creemos profundamente? Cómo se sienten? Son capaces de comprender?

He tratado de amar a la gente de la manera en que Jesus me ama a mí. Hace unos años, mientras perseguía éste fin, fui llamada a rezar por un largo tiempo a la Catedral Nacional de Washington. Frené todo, dejé de trabajar, y rezé cinco días a la semana. Al final de seis meses me sentí llamada a la Capilla de Santa María dónde tuve una experiencia visionaria de María. La cara de la estatua se veía con vida. Me estaba mirando directamente, moviendo los ojos, había una presión en sus labios; y sentí el olor intenso de lilias. No estaba asustada, pero sí sobresaltada. Yo había sido criada protestante, y sabía de María durante la epoca de navidad, en el establo con José y Jesus. Como adulto había aprendido que María era una verdadera discípula de Jesus. Ella obedeció a Diós completamente cuando un angel se le presentó. Y ella trató de hacer todo lo que Jesus le pedía.

Tres meses despues de que tuve esta visión – había dejado la Catedral y estaba viviendo en una casa de campo – empezé a recibir mensajes en el espíritu. Se presentaban de forma escrita – lo escuchaba y escribía al mismo tiempo. Los mensajes eran de María para gente en todas partes, llamandolos a rezar. “Vengan, mis hijos. Vengan a Jesus. Qué mas puede hacer por vosotros que no haya hecho ya? Murio en la cruz para vosotros. El mundo necesita desesperadamente de sus rezos. Por favor vengan y rezen.” Al mismo tiempo, en estas semanas, recibí un mensaje interno que me decía de ir a un pequeño pueblo (Visnadello) en Italia, y el mensaje decía que recibiría mas recados allí y que vería a María nuevamente. Ahora, había estado en este pueblo hacía dos años atras y había sentido algo especial allí. Tambien había conocido un joven de este pueblo en Washington, DC.

Como se imaginarán tuve muchas dudas sobre mi estado mental, pero decidí tomar un salto de fé. No tenía el dinero para ir al pueblo pero mientras había rezado en la Catedral un señor me mandó un cheque por $1,000 en el correo, con una nota que decía “Use esto para ayudar a otras personas o para una emergencia para usted.” Asi que compré un boleto de ida y vuelta, válido por seis semanas, y tenía suficiente dinero de sobra para quedarme en un hostel en Venecia por casi tres semanas. Todos los días tomaba el autobús al pequeño pueblo. Tardaba cuatro horas en ir y venir, y rezaba en la iglesia. Despues de tres semanas una familia en el pueblito me invitó a ir a vivir con ellos. Aprendí a hablar italiano. La gente del pueblo me dio ropa de invierno. El cura local, que era romano católico, me recibió con los brazos abiertos.

Durante aquellos seis meses viviendo en Italia recibí cinco pequeños mensajes de María — simples, llamando a la gente a rezar. No les conte a la gente del pueblo. Este enero y febrero los mensajes empezaron otra vez. En febrero, recibí un mensaje en la Catedral que me decía “Dile a curas y ministros y gente por doquier que tuviste una experiencia visionaria de mi, y que estas recibiendo mis mensajes, y que estoy llamando a la gente a rezar.” No pude dormir por casi tres semanas pero finalmente, hace un mes, 5 de marzo, me rendí. El próximo día escuche a la voz en mi espíritu que me decía que volviera al pueblito en Italia y que le contara a las personas allí. Es asi que el 7 de abril parto de Washington.

Hace una semana las bombas empezaron a caer en Yugoslavia. Dos días despues me dí cuenta que el pueblo adonde voy está a una hora por coche al sur de la Base Aerea Aviano de donde salen muchos de estos aviones que van a bombardear Yugoslavia.

Diós sabe todo. Me siento humilde. Hemos sidos llamados a obedecer, aunque
no entendamos el porqué. Como escuché decir a Isaías esta noche, y esto nos concierne a todos, “El señor Diós despertó mi oído...” y “El Señor Diós me ha dado la lengua de los sabios, para que yo consuele a los cansados con palabras de aliento...” Amén.


Messages of Mary,

the mother of Jesus Christ

July 13, 1997
Sunday 5:15 pm (at home)

My children, love me. Love Jesus. Follow Him. Tear yourselves away violently from all that keeps you from Him. Rough times are ahead. You must pray fervently now. All peoples must pray fervently now. Pray, pray, pray. I come to show you the way. Look at me. Love me. I am His mother. How much I care for Him.

How much He gave to you. He is all. Can you not see that there is no more he can do for you than what He has done? I come to plead on His behalf. I will keep on appearing. These times are critical. The times are hard. Much distress is everywhere. Come to me, my children. Believe in Jesus.

July 17, 1997
Thursday 4:30 pm (at home)

Hail, my children. Listen to Sarah*. She has my words. I am using her to bring my words to you. She loves you as I do. She has given her heart to Jesus. She sees Jesus in all of you. He loves her. Listen, Now. The times are rough. They are going to get rougher. You must pray. Pray wherever you are, whatever you are doing. You can do it. The prayers of God’s people will change the world. Jesus is coming. He wants you ready. He is here now. He sees you all. He loves you. His judgment is coming too. It is no joke. Destroy not the little ones, my beloved ones. Have peace one with another. Come to Jesus. Love, love, love. Be separate. Come out from among them, the wicked ones. Love me. Say the rosary. Say it with all your heart.

Be astonished. The times are rough. Come my little ones. Follow the yearnings in your hearts. Give in to them. I will help you. I will encourage you. I am appearing to inspire you. Jesus sends me. The Father sends me. The Holy Spirit sends me. They are one, in joy. They love you all. Turn from your wicked ways. Put on peace. Put on the robe of righteousness. It fits so well. You will love it. Joy will dance in your hearts. Come, come, come. Speak peace. Live peace. Love one another. Be still. See. Look. Ask. God will help you. God loves you all. Jesus died to free you. What more can He do?

Run, my children. Run for your lives. Run in spirit. Run for all you are worth. The time is now. Run, run, run. Put all your energy into your running. Be still and know that I am God, says God. Believe Him. Take time to be still. Sit. Breathe. Focus on me. Focus on Jesus. Focus on God. Breathe in and out. Laugh. Rejoice. God is good.

Peace to all the world. My heart desires the same peace my son desires. The Father ordains it. He needs your cooperation. Come my children, kneel and pray. Ask anything. Jesus hears. He longs for your obedience.

July 18, 1997
Friday 1:00 pm (St. Mary's Chapel, National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.)

Peace to all these people. All of you, come to me. Come now. Kneel, pray. Offer your hearts. Confess your sins. Jesus is rich to forgive you. Come now. The time is urgent. This is the day. All peoples, come. I plead with you. My pleading is out of love for you. As a mother cries out to her children in danger, so I cry out to you. Now. Please. As you will. Listen to Sarah. She has my ear. She will accurately take down what I am saying through her. She has been prepared by me and Jesus especially for this task. She is faithful. You be so also. Follow her example. She loves me. She loves Jesus.

Come my children. Come now. I plead with you. Yes, I will say this over and over. Yes, my messages are the same all over the world. I want to reach you all. I am like a hen gathering her chicks before the storm. Remember how Jesus wept. He weeps now. He loves you so. Cherish His love. Accept it. Pull it close to your heart. Let go of all else. Put Him first. He came for you. He died for you. Be grateful. Rejoice. Accept his forgiveness. As far as the east is from the west, so far He forgives you. It is all gone. All your sin is wiped away. Rejoice.

July 27, 1997
Sunday 10:00 am (at home)

Yes, there is much about to unfold. It is God’s glorious purposes. Do not be afraid, even if much seeming chaos comes along with it. We are in the center of it all, allowing it to happen. This is how God works. He brings the sword in order to bring peace. It is time for people to choose. These are critical times. Not much time is left. All must choose. Jesus is coming. Are you ready?

This message is for all peoples. Get ready. The time is now. Prepare your hearts. Drop all else. Jesus is coming. I send Sarah to tell you. I will say much through her. Come now, let us reason together. All is coming. All is unfolding. God is coming in a mighty way now to the earth. His love pours out. He wants you all, yet He gives you free will. He is pouring his spirit out on many people, as He said He would. These are the times. This is the day.

“I am coming with might now,” says the Lord. “I am coming with vengeance. No more can I bear the injustice, the unrighteousness, that I see everywhere. You are my beloved creation. This can no longer go on. Here I come. I am here. Look and see. You will see me everywhere. I send Mary to warn you, to alert you, to call you. Listen to her. Obey her. Heed her. Say the rosary.” “The day is now,” says the Lord. “Stop all your iniquity. Come to Jesus. He has forgiven all your sins. Come now, before it is too late.”


spoken on Wednesday of Holy Week, March 31, 1999, 6:30 pm
St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Washington, D.C., USA
Readings: Isaiah 50: 5-9(a) John 13: 21-35

As Jesus lived the last week of his life, I wonder where his mother was. We know Mary was at the foot of the cross and watched her son die an agonizing death. I wonder where she was during the week? Did she know about the last supper? Did people tell her what was happening? How did she feel? Did she understand? Where are our mothers when we take a stand for something we believe in deeply? How do they feel? Are they able to understand?

I have tried to love people the way Jesus loves me. A few years ago, as I was trying to do that, I was led to pray in the National Cathedral for a long time. I stopped everything, gave up work, prayed five days a week. At the end of six months, I was led to the Chapel of St. Mary where I had a visionary experience of Mary. The face of the statue seemed to be alive. She was looking right at me, the eyes moved, there was pressure in the lips, I smelled lilies intensely. I wasn’t frightened, but I was certainly startled. Having been raised as a protestant, I knew about Mary at Christmastime in the stable with Joseph and Jesus. And as an adult, I had learned that Mary was a true disciple of Jesus. She obeyed God completely when the angel came to her. And she tried to do whatever Jesus said.

Three months after I had had this vision - I had left the Cathedral and was living in a house in the country - I began to receive messages in spirit. They came in written form - I would hear and write at the same time. The messages were from Mary for people everywhere, calling them to pray. “Come, my children. Come to Jesus. What more can he do for you than what he has done? He died on the cross for you. The world is in great need of prayer. Please come and pray.” At the same time, in these weeks, I received a call in spirit to go to a small town in Italy (Visnadello), and I was told that I would receive more messages there and see Mary again. Now, I had been to this town two years before and had felt something special there. Previously, I had met a young man in Washington, DC who had grown up in the town.

As you can imagine I had doubts about my mental health, but I decided to take the leap of faith. I didn’t have the money to go to the town but while I had prayed in the Cathedral one day a man mailed me a $1,000 check and had said “Use this to help other people or for emergencies for yourself.” So I bought a round-trip ticket good for six weeks and had enough money left over to stay in a youth hostel in Venice for maybe three weeks. I took the bus to the little town every day. It took me four hours to go out and back, and I prayed in the church. After three weeks, a family in the town invited me to come live with them. I learned to speak Italian. The people in the town brought me winter clothes. The local Roman Catholic priest was utterly welcoming of me.

During the six months I lived there, I received five little messages from Mary - simple, calling people to pray. I did not tell the people in the town. This January and February, the messages have begun again. In February I received a message in the Cathedral saying “Now is the time to tell people. Tell priests and ministers and people everywhere that you had a visionary experience of me, that you are receiving messages from me, and that I am calling people to pray.” For about three weeks, I didn’t sleep very well, but finally, a month ago, March 5th, I yielded. The very next day I heard in my spirit to go back to the town in Italy and to tell the people there. So I am leaving Washington on April 7th.

A week ago, the bombs started dropping on Yugoslavia. About two days later, I realized that the town I am going to is one hour by car south of the Aviano Air Force Base from which many of these planes are leaving to go bomb in Yugoslavia.

God knows everything. I have been humbled. We are called to obey, even though we don’t understand. As we have heard Isaiah say tonight, and this applies to all of us, “The Lord God wakened mine ear ...” and “The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary ... .” Amen.


For more detail on this story, you may see

(parts in Spanish, French, Italian, German)

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10:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am a little confused, is this an approved Catholic devotion in communion with the Pope, in Rome?

I'm sorry it is hard to distinguish whether this is an Episcopalian, Anglican or Catholic ministry.



7:17 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This isn't an approved Catholic devotion in communion with the Pope. The American branch of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament is a devotional society of the Episcopal Church.

Sorry for the confusion. In any case, everyone is welcome here!

10:19 AM  
Blogger stpetric said...

Perhaps a little moderation is in order to get the spam off this site!

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just stopping by to say hello

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Peter Rhys Thomas said...

When I was Vicar of St.Catherine`s East Tilbury,Essex,England one Sunday afternoon in summer - no sun so no shadows- on the wall of the sanctuary there appeared an outline of Our Lady bearing the Baby Jesus in her arms..this lasted for maybe 5 minutes..This was witnessed by myself and a parishionner. This gave me much cause for prayer and as result I installed an aumbry in the Lady Chapel, on the back wall in front of the statue of Our Lady. From that moment the ambience of the church changed for ever for Our Lord had come to dwell amongst us in th Blessed Sacrament. Deo Gratis. Fr.Peter

2:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Mea culpa, stpetric. Spam zapped.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm new. I saw this site while looking for other sites.
Can someone help me out?

I am a life-long Episcopalian and have a deep love for God, Christ, and the peace loving them brings. I realize that this is probably a redundant question you get all the time, but "if I join...what am I joining" ?

Next question...
Are there other confraters with whom I may commune? Where are all of you located? I'm a little leery of joining an online group that's exclusively online. Forgive my candor. I don't mean to be rude, but there are a lot of weirdos out there.

Next question...
I get that a lot of people would think I'm really weird because I have deeply moving spiritual experiences while at the communion rail. My kids sure do. Are you guys "spiritualists" or do you follow the Episcopal Articles of Faith?

Next question...
I have a lot of questions...


K.Z. from Charleston, S.C.

7:00 PM  

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